Julie is a big-picture visionary, drawn to the nuances and details of down-to-earth beauty. She is most in her element when documenting the quiet, unvarnished moments of everyday spaces, living, and art-making.

Her background is in the visual arts and literature, with an MFA in Applied Craft & Design.  Julie first picked up a 35mm film camera at 15, and has been taking evocative, unfussy images ever since. She works exclusively with natural light and in situ settings.

Julie has written, photographed, and art directed two books: Al Fresco: Inspired Ideas for Outdoor Living and Wabi-Sabi Welcome: Learning to embrace the imperfect and entertain with thoughtfulness and easeBoth books are published by Artisan Books and are available wherever books are found.

She is based in Carpinteria, California where she lives with her husband and their two sons, but is happily available for worldwide travel.